| MIL-P-26366A
FIGURE 20. Wind stress measurements.
cillograph reduction, and condition log data
A 5-second recording shall be taken on all climb
formats shall be prepared substantially in ac-
conditions with exception of those specified
cordance with figures 8,9, and 26 through 31.
above. The simulated air delivery drop, if app- Control response test. A control re-
licable, for the stabilized condition shall be
recorded. All other conditions shall be briefly
sponse test shall be conducted. The test shall
recorded. After completion of the above speci-
include the response of the engine propeller to
fied fright, survey with the three designated
power and speed changes throughout the range
strain gage groups, the test propeller shall be
of operation of the engine under all flight condi-
resurveyed utilizing the fourth strain gage
tions of the aircraft and shall include all cheeks
group, which shall be a composite grouping de-
and tests as specified in The control
termined by the analysis of the three designated
response test may be conducted concurrently
strain gage groups, to obtain stress measure-
with the flight survey specified in
ments at the same conditions when installed at Temperature survey. A temperature
the number two, one, and four nacelle positions,
survey shall be conducted on the propeller dur-
in that order. An additional survey shall be
ing ground and flight operation to demonstrate
accomplished if the above representative con-
propeller cooling within specified temperature
ditions indicate a requirement. Applicable
vibratory stress survey attenuator settings, os-
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