| ![]() MIL-P-26367A
3.4 Performance characteristics.- The aerodynamic performance ratings and
curves shown are based on the terms and standards defined herein and are determined
on the use of a
(insert system or combination of systems, as applicable) power
system. These data indicate performance when applied to
(insert type and model
designation of engine) engine operating under standard conditions and on the
3.4.1 Lubrication.- The propeller system shall include provisions for lubrica-
tion and the lubricant(s) shall be in accordance with military specification(s)
The aerodynamic performance ratings shall be as listed in
3.4.2 Ratings.-
table I.
Performance ratings at standard
sea level static conditions
3.4.3 Estimates.- Estimated minimum aerodynamic performance curves prepared
as shown on figures 1 to
inclusive, constitute part of this specification. (The
following estimated minimum performance curves, prepared in accordance with the in-
structions and data specified herein, shall illustrate the performance obtainable
and shall be consistent with the rated performance. Points of rated performance shall
be indicated and shall fall on the applicable performance curves. The contractor
shall furnish a list of symbols defined in Bulletin ANC-9 and MIL-P-26366, together
with a diagrammatic sketch indicating station subscripts, and instructions on the use
of the curves, including sample calculations.) Estimated aerodynamic performance for
specific aircraft operating conditions is as specified in table II.
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