| ![]() MIL-P-26367A Input mechanism travel. -
The estimated propeller input mechanism
schedule is shovn on figure(s)
(Include curve(s) of position versus
rpm.) Reversing input mechanism. -
The estimated reversing input mechanism
schedule is shown on figure(s)
. (Include curve(s) or chart(s) of
travel and position.)
* Input mechanism torque. -
The estimated input mechanism torque versus
lever position is shown on figure
3.28.6 Control system adjustment. - The external adjustments shall include the
following: (Identify and define each adjustment by numbered subparagraph hereunder,
including the allowable adjustment tolerance in percent of the specified value, where
3.28.7 Ground handling control. -
(Briefly describe the provisions provided
and method of accomplishment.)
(Propeller overspeed limits shall be specified. )
3.28.9 Reliability. -
3.29.1 Attaching: parts. - The following attaching parts are provided as part
of the propeller system:
(Insert here, in tabulated form, the names of the component and
type, if applicable, and location, such as engine nose or gearbox.)
3.32 Propeller reverse or beta tel-lights. - The propeller control system for
a multiengined aircraft installation shall (not) include signal provisions for pro-
tel-lights. (Insert "reverse" or "beta" as applicable to reciprocating
or turboprop engines specified herein, respectively.)
3.35 Flutter.- The propeller shall be free from flutter under static conditions
up to
rpm (insert 120 percent rated engine speed) and
(insert standard day takeoff power rating of the engine, as applicable.)
3.36 Mechanical shock. - The mechanical shock developed within the
(insert only the part or component name requiring special attention) during all
flight regimes of aircraft operation shall not have a magnitude greater than___________g
within a frequency of
cps. (If more than one part or component requires special
list in tabular form the requested data.)
3.37 External mechanical power. -
The drives of propeller components requiring
external mechanical power provided by engine accessory drives shall be as follows:
(Insert here for each component, in tabular form, the engine
drive drawing and type number, the accessory flange drawing
and type number, and the adapters and gaskets supplied.)
3.44 General additional information. - (The propeller manufacturer may specify
as subparagraphs under this number and heading in the propeller model specification
any additional information or requirements which are not covered by the required
statements of this specification or the deviations from MIL-P-26366.)
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