| ![]() MIL-P-29191B(YD1)
One variable direction, portable switch operated, 12-volt,
3.6 Spotlight.
sealed beam spotlight of not less than 35,000 candlepower shall be installed in
the control console.
The spotlight shall have a 15-foot stretch cord with a
waterproof plug connected into a waterproof outlet,
3.7 Outboard engines.
The workboat platform shall be provided with two
commercial type electric starting, long shaft 175 hp (minimum) outboard engines.
The engines shall be fitted with the manufacturer's recommended propeller, of
proper size and pitch, to provide optimum thrust under a heavy load at low speed
Engines shall be equipped
and not cavitate with a light load at high speed.
with electric trim and tilt, and appropriate independent steering mechanisms.
3.7.1 Charging system.
An engine operated charging system shall be provided
with sufficient amperage to charge the storage batteries for restarting the
engines , provide power for radio operation, and lights during night operations.
3.8 Fuel tanks.
As specified (see 6.2), two permanently installed USCG
approved 18 or 27 gallon horizontal fuel tanks shall be provided.
The tanks
shall be vented as described in H-24 of ABYC publication "Safety Standards for
Small Craft" and, if metallic, shall be bonded to a common ground in the vessel.
If other than metallic tanks are provided, the metal fittings for fuel piping to
the engine shall be bonded to a common ground.
The underside of all metallic
fuel tanks shall be undercoated with a suitable water-resistant mastic.
3.9 Batteries and cases.
Two heavy-duty marine batteries with battery
cases shall be provided and installed in accordance with ABYC E-10.
compartments shall be ventilated in accordance with ABYC H-2.
3.10 Ancillary/safety equipment.
The following ancillary/safety equipment
shall be provided:
USCG approved ring buoy with 50 feet of 1/4-inch floating line.
USCG approved life jacket,
USCG approved fire extinguisher (size recommended by contractor).
Compressed gas operated horn.
Boat hook.
35-lb lightweight type fluked anchor, or similar type of equivalent
rated holding power (approximately 1,200 lb in soft mud).
2 each
- 200-foot length of anchor/mooring line conforming to 3.10.1.
3.10.1 Anchor/mooring line.
The anchor/mooring line shall be a 200-foot
length, 5/8-inch diameter nylon rope conforming to MIL-R-17343, connected with a
5/8-inch shackle conforming to RR-C-271, type IV, class 1, welded or peened
shut , to a 6-foot length of 1/2-inch zinc-coated, welded, steel alloy chain
The nylon rope shall be
conforming to RR-C-271, type 1, grade C, class 1.
furnished with a 5/8-inch rope thimble installed on the chain attachment end.
The thimble shall be installed using a standard marine eye spliced of at least
four full tucks plus two additional tapered tucks
The free end of the nylon
The free
rope shall be back spliced in a similar manner to prevent raveling.
end of the anchor chain shall have a 1/2-inch anchor chain swivel conforming to
RR-C-271, type VII, attached with a 1/2-inch connecting link conforming to
RR-C-271, type II
An additional 5/8-inch shackle shall be provided for
attachment of the chain to the anchor.
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