| ![]() MIL-P-45117E
5.2 Marking and labeling.-Marking or labeling of packed cartons shall
comply with applicable requirements of MIL-STD-1169.
6.1 Ordering data.-Invitations for bids and contracts or orders will
specify the following:
6.1.1 Title, number, and date of this specification.
6.1.2 Place of inspection, if not place of manufacture.
(see 5.1 and 5.2)
6.1.3 Packing and marking instructions.
6.1.4 Provision for shipment and testing of production lot samples for
metal parts security. (see 4.4.8)
6.1.5 Provision for the Supply, maintenance and disposition of mandatory
ballistic test equipment for acceptance inspection purposes.
6.2 First article sample.-Where an initial production sample is required
by the contract, the contracting officer will notify the test facility
when to proceed with the metal parts security test. (see 4.2) Additional
projectiles may be required by the test facility.
6.3 Process deviation.-A process deviation is defined as a change in the
approved basic method of manufacture, or an operational change which alters
the metallurgical or physical properties of the item of contract.
6.4 AQL's.-The optional use of AQL values for either individual defects
or classes of defects, with individual major defect limitation, is intended
to minimize inspection agency administrative burden which might result from
an exclusive assignment of individual defect AQL's. The option also permits
flexibility where sampling inspection for acceptance is integrated into the
manufacturing process.
6.5 Intermediate point inspection.-The classification of defects identifies
the defect characteristics (among other things) for acceptance inspection.
It may be necessary to modify the sequence of inspection stations to best
suit the manufacturing process. Inspection for defect characteristics
which will be hidden or altered by subsequent processing operations (in-
cluding unrelated operations), should be scheduled to prevent premature
acceptance which could be detrimental to the attainment of optimum product
quality in the end item.
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