| MIL-P-71012A(AR)
During corrective maintenance, `multiple replacement of
parts to restore the system to operation shall be charged as one
unserviceable part provided the replacements are deemed
necessary and related to the corrective action required to
eliminate a malfunction (see note 3/).
Unrelated replacement of each unserviceable part
detected and replaced during corrective maintenance is charged
as an unserviceable part.
Each Unserviceable part found during preventive
(scheduled) maintenance is chargeable as an unserviceable part.
3/ A malfunction is defined as any incident resulting in
unplanned cessation In firing, or the inability to commence or
cease firing. A malfunction also includes system stoppages
which are changeable tQ an unserviceable part. . Malfunction
descriptions include failure to feed, extract, eject, close,
fire, or failure of the magazine catch or the slide stop to
function. Malfunctions attributed to ammunition, as
substantiated by a contractor failure analysis acceptable to the
Government representative, shall not be counted against the
pistol/magazine being tested. However, they shall be recorded
and properly identified with supporting analysis.
4/ Breaks or cracks must be visible to the unaided eye
(corrected to 2O/20, if required).
3.4.8 Durability. When firing M882 ball cartridges during
the reliability test described in and 4.6.7, the -
receiver shall-have a minimum service life of 5000 rounds (see
Table I.) A service life failure is defined as any break or crack
in the receiver visible to the unaided eye (correctable to 20/20),
or any other condition attributable to the receiver which prevents
proper function of the pistol or poses a safety hazard to the
3.4.9 Safety.
The pistol and all component parts shall not
fail in a mode that presents a safety hazard, regardless of round
3.4.10 Maintainability. the maximum time to repair (MTTR)
the compact pistol shall not exceed 0.5hours. The time to repair
is defined as the total time required to restore the pistol to
operation, including diagnostic time, after a stoppage or
unserviceable part occurs.
3.4.11 Environmental. High
t e m p e r a t u r e . When conditioned at a
temperature of 60 +/- 3 degrees C, pistols shall be capable of
passing a 1000 round high temperature test firing M882 ammunition
as specified in without exceeding the malfunction and
unserviceable part criteria stated in Table I.
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