| ![]() MIL-R-1296F(AR) Final protective finish. The exterior matallic
surfaces shall be polished (or matte finished) and blued, or
blakened and shall be unblacken in texture and appearance. The
finish shall be applied so as not to draw the temper or alter the test
form of dimensions of component sufficiently to affect
3.2.9 Material -wooden. The stock shall be of dense
walnut (black), beech or birch (yellow or sweet) . The grain
shall be straight and in the longitudinal direction of the stock.
Slight deviations in grain, small knots in the butt of the stock
are not cause for rejection, provided they do not cause weakness,
particularly in a thin section. Stocks shall be free of patches.
Small checks, cracks and knotholes shall be filled with plastic
fillers or other suitable material approved by the procuring
agency. Color. After protective finish treatment (see wooden stocks shall have a uniform nonbleeding color
Black wannut or birch may be stained prior to the protective
finish treatment. Protective finish compound. Wooden stocks shall be
treated with boiled linseed oil conforming to TT-L-190 or other
suitable finish approved by the procuring agency Alternative material - Synthetic Synthtic stocks
shall have an infused black or brown color. If brown, it shall
be no lighter than color standard 11018900-W synthetic stocks
shall meet the requirements of 3.3.7 for chemical resistance.
Synthetic stocks shall be capable of with the standing with the impact when
dropped from a height of four feet on to a hard surface without
damage. Shape
The stock shall be equally useable for
either right or left handed use. The stock shall have a drop of
1/2 inch 1/8 inch at the comb and at the heel. Measurements
shall be made from centerline of the bore. The bottom of the
fore-end shall be not more than 3 1/8 inches and not less than 2
1/4 inches below the centerline of the bore at a point just ahead
of the trigger guard. The fore-end depth may taper or decrease
to not less than 2 inches at the end of the fore-end. The butt
plate shall be mounted such that its rear surface is perpen-
dicular to the bore. The length of pull (the distance from the
trigger to the rear face of the butt plate measured parallel to
the bore) shall be adjustable through the range specified in
Table I. The adjustment may be accomplished either through the
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