| ![]() MIL-R-1296F(AR)
Copper Unit of PRESSURE (CUP) with no evidence of cracks, seams
and other injurious defects. After proof-firing, the headspace
shall be forty-two thousandths (0.042) inch minimum to forty-six
thousandths [0.046) inch maximum.
3.3.4 Functioning. The rifle shall operate without
malfunctions, unserviceable parts, punctured or ruptured
cartridge cases and loose stock or screws, using Standard
velocity commercial cartridge conforming to Sporting Arms and
Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAKI) standards. Drawing
the bolt entirely to the rear shall extract the cartridge or
cartridge case from the chamber and eject it freely and
completely out of the receiver. Returning the bolt forward to
the closed position shall push a cartridge from the loading
platform into the chamber. Thrusting the bolt forward sharply by
hand in cambering a cartridge shall not fire the cartridge.
3.3.5 Targeting
accuracy Ammunition. The rifle shall meet the following
targeting and accuracy requirements using selected lots of match
grade ammunition confoming to SAAMI standards. Targeting. Sights shall be capable of being zeroed
to the rifle within the limits of the windage and elevation index
plates and still have additional adjustment remaining on the
index plates in both directions. Each of series of 10 shots
fired from the rifle at a range of 100 yards shall be within or
cut the edge of a circle four (4) inches in diameter, or each of
a series of 10 shots fired at a range of 50 yards shall be within
or cut the edge of a circle two (2) inches in diameter. The aim
point for all shots shall be the center point of the circle in
each case. Accuracy. The average extreme spread, measured
from center to center of shot holes, of three consecutive 10-shot
groups fired at a range of 100 yards shall not exceed 1.50 inches
and no individual group shall exceed 1.75 inches, or 3 consec-
utive 10-shot groups fired at a range of 50 yards shall not
exceed 0.70 inch average extreme spread and no individual group
of the series shall exceed 0.80 inch.
3.3.6 Endurance. The rifle shall be capable of with-
standing the firing of 5,000 rounds and five hundred snaps on an
empty chamber with not more than the malfunctions or unservice-
able parts shown in Table II, using carriages specified in 3.3.4
or After the 5,000 rounds and 500 snaps, the rifles
shall meet the trigger pull (see 3.3.1) and targeting and
accuracy (see 3.3.5) requirements of this specifiaction.
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