| ![]() MIL-R-1296F(AR)
other types of sampling plans, etc., may be used by the
contractor when they provide, as a minimum the level of quality
assurance required by the provisions herein. Prior to applying
such alternative procedures, methods or equipment the contractor
shall describe them in a written proposal submitted to the
Government for evaluation . When required, the contractor shall
demonstrate that the effectiveness of each proposed alternative
is equal to or better than the specified quality conformance
provisions(s) herein. In case of dispute as to whether the
contractor's proposed alternative(s) provides equivalent
assurance, the provisions of this specification shall apply. All
approved alternative provisions shall be specifically
incorporated into the contractor's quality program or inspection
system, as applicable.
c. Examination Each rifle shall be examined as
specified in and All rifles shall have been
submitted to and passed the criteria specified in prior
to-being treated in 4.4.3. Inspection methods. The following descriptions
shall be applicable to the prescribed inspection methods.
Requests for a method other than that specified shall be
submitted for Government approval. The examination provisions
should be applied at the earliest practical point in manufacture
at which it is feasible to inspect for acceptance without risk of
change in the characteristic by subsequent operations. Reinspec-
tion of these characteristics on the completed product is not
required provided assurance exists the characteristic
has not
been charged, degraded or damaged by subsequent manufacturing,
assembly or handling and that adeguate inspection records are
maintained. Rifles failing to meet the requirement shall be
a. Where "Visual" is specified as the inspection
method for dimensional and machine finish inspection, the char-
acteristic shall be scaled and compared with a specimen of known
acceptable quality that has been established as an inspection
standard (if applicable)
b. Where "Visual" is specified as the inspection
method for functioning requirements, the assembly shall be
visually examined for completeness and manually operated for
functioning requirements as specified.
c. Where "Visual" is specified as the inspection
method for protective coating, the coating shall be visually
examined for completeness, uniformity in appearance and color,
freedom from pits, corrosion, scratches and worn or bare spots.
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