| ![]() MIL-R-1296F (AR) Preservative application. All lubricants removed
during cleaning of the rifle shall be replaced in accordance with
the item requirements. Metal parts shall be preserved with
preservative oil. Unit packaging. The assembled rifle shall be unit
packed Method IC-1 of MIL-P-116. Insert a VCI treated bore tube
(P/N 7266299) into the bore and place in a barrier bag made from
material which complies with MIL-B-22019. Position the packaged
rifle in a fiberboard box complying with PPP-B-636 (RSC W5C).
Use cushioning material, PPP-C-843 or fiberboard. PPP-F-320 to
ensure a tight pack. Close and seal in accordance with PPP-B-
636. (See Notes 1 and 2)
Not applicable.
5.1.2 Level
preservation shall be in accordance with an
5.1.3 Level C.
approved commercial design. The unit pack will contain one
A quantity of weapons not to exceed 1,000
5.2 Packing.
pounds shall be packed in a minimum size shipping container.
5.2.1 Level A. The shipping container shall comply with
PPP-B-601, Style A, B, I or J; Type 0S, Grade B.
5.2.2 Level B. The container for level B shall comply with
PPP-B-640 (Style E, Class 2). The packed container shall be
secured to-an-expendable pallet conforming to PPP-P-1660, type I,
Class A, Grade 2.
Packaging shall be in accordance with ASTM
5.2.3 Level C.
3951 (see 6.2e).
Marking for levels A and B, and for
5.3 Marking.
commercial packaging, shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
The special instructions in MIL-STD-129 regarding omission of
certain markings from containers of sensitive, controlled, and
pilferable items apply.
NOTE 1: Packed components shall be secured to the bagged rifle
with tape conforming to Type III, Class 2, size l-inch wide of
PPP-T-60, to preclude movement within container.
Packed components may include tools, front sight, rear
sight, front sight insert set. Each packed component shall be
packaged in its own barrier bag in accordance with MIL-B-22019
and other such packaging as required to preclude damage to it or
other items.
The operator's manual shall be packaged in a
waterproof plastic bag.
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