| ![]() MIL-P-45969B (AR)
NOTE: If regulation is not within
1 percent, adjust slide wire
resistor (R1) by increasing its value in small increments above the
initial 20 ohm setting.
(d) With the output voltage adjusted to 28 volts DC,
the peak to peak ripple shall not exceed 200
millivolts at full load.
Power supply current limit.
(a) Adjust the DC voltage adjust rheostat to obtain
an output of 28 volts as indicated on the
distribution box voltmeter.
(b) Connect an external 24 volt DC source or battery,
external load, 0 to 150 ampere ammeter as shown
in Figure 1. Starting with the resistance set to
maximum, increase current to 90 amperes thru
resistor (R10). Observe current limit on
voltmeter (voltage will drop). At 95 - 115
amperes, output shall be approximately 0 - 1 volt
(c) Apply a 65 ampere load between pins H and K on
connector J102 long enough to trip the 50 ampere,
DC circuit breaker. After removing the load,
check the operation of the DC resetting mechanism
located on the control panel. Operation of the
mechanism shall again cause 28 volt DC to be
indicated on the distribution box voltmeter.
Battery charging circuit.
(1) Battery charging voltage adjustment.
(a) Place voltmeter SELECTOR switch on the
distribution box in the battery buss position.
Disconnect connector P3 from J105.
(b) Place SELECTOR switch on the power supply control
panel in the BATTERY CHARGE position. The
voltmeter on the-distribution box shall indicate
the battery charge output voltage.
(c) Rotate DC voltage adjust rheostat to the maximum
clockwise position (Index line on knob lines up
with battery charger mark on control panel).
(d) Connect a 5,000 mfd capacitor across pins B and E
on Connector J101 in the distribution box.
(e) With control panel SELECTOR switch in the BATTERY
CHARGE position, the output indicated on the
distribution box voltmeter shall be 29
volts DC. Re-adjust variable resistor (R16) to
obtain the necessary voltage reading and lock
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