| ![]() MIL-P-46067B(MR)
Department of Transportation
49 CFR 171-189 Department of Transportation Rules and Regulations for
the Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous
(The Department of Transportation Regulations are now a part of the Code
of Federal Regulations (latest cumulative packet supplement) available from
the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
20402. Orders for the above publication should cite "Code of Federal
Regulations, 49 CFR 171-189".)
American National Standards Institute, Inc .
ANSI K 68.1 Guide for Classifying and Labeling Epoxy Products According
to their Hazardous Potentialities.
(Application for copies should be addressed to the American National
Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.)
National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc., Agent :
National Motor Freight Classification
(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Trucking
Associations Inc., Traffic Department, 1616 P Street, N.W., Washington,
DC 20036.)
Uniform Classification Committee, Agent :
Uniform Freight Classification
(Application for copies should be addressed to the uniform Classification
Committee, Room 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606.)
3.1 Material. The material shall consist of epoxy resin with the
necessary diluents and fillers (as applicable), required to conform to this
3.2 Property Values . The material shall conform to the property values
specified in table I, when tested as specified in the applicable procedure
of 4.5.
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