| ![]() MIL-P-46183
3.2.2 Glass fiber reinforced PEEK (type II). The properties of glass fiber
reinforced PEEK thermoplastic shall be as specified in table II.
Properties of glass fiber reinforced PEEK (type II).
Property Values
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
(l0% glass fiber)
(20% glass fiber)
(30% glass fiber)
Glass fiber content
l0 + 2% (by wt)
20 + 2% (by wt)
30 + 2% (by wt)
Specific gravity
1.37 + 0.04
1.44 + 0.04
1.49 + 0.04
Tensile strength 1/
110 MPa
120 MPa
152 MPa
(16,000 psi)
(17,400 psi)
(22,000 psi)
Elongation at break
Flexural modulus
5000 MPa
6200 MPa
6900 MPa
(730,000 psi)
(900,000 psi)
(1,000,000 psi)
Impact strength 2/
50 J/m
60 J/m
80 J/m
(0.9 ft-lbf/in)
(1.1 ft-lbf/in)
(1.5 ft-lbf/in)
1/ MPa x 145 = psi
2/ Notched, 0.25 in; J/m x l8.73 x l0-3 = ft-lbf/in
3.2.3 Carbon fiber reinforced PEEK (type III). The properties of carbon
fiber reinforced PEEK thermoplastic shall be as specified in table III.
Properties of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK (type III).
Property Values
Class 1
Class 2
(20% carbon fiber)
(30% carbon fiber)
Carbon fiber content
20 + 2% (by wt)
30 + 2% (by wt)
Specific gravity
1.38 + 0.04
1.42 + 0.04
Tensile strength
159 MPa
185 MPa
(23,000 psi)
(27,000 psi)
Elongation at break
Flexural modulus
10,300 MPa
12,800 MPa
(l,500,000 psi)
(1,850,000 psi)
Impact strength (minimum)
(notched, 0.25 in)
45 J/m
50 J/m
(0.8 ft-lbf/in)
(0.9 ft-lbf/in)
(unnotched, 0.25 in)
400 J/m
530 J/m
(8.0 ft-lbf/in)
(l0.0 ft-lbf/in)
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