| ![]() MIL-P-46322B(MU)
4.2.2 contractor testing.- When the contractor is responsible for
conducting first article approval tests, the sample shall be inspected by
the contractor for all the requirements of the eontract. The sample and
a record of this inspection including certificates of conformance for
materials, shall be submitted to the Government for approval. The Govern-
ment reserves the right to witness the contractor's inspection.
4.3 Inspection provisions.
4.3.1 Submission of product.- Unless otherwise specified by the con-
tracting officer, inspection lot size, lot formation and presentation of lots
shall be in accordance with "Submission of Product" provisions of MIL-STD-105.
4.3.2 Examination and tests. components and subassemblies.- All components and subassemblies
shall be inspected In accordance with the inspection provisions contained
herein using approved methods, procedures and equipment to determine con-
formance to component drawing requirements. In the absence of specific
test methods and procedures, the methods and procedures in MIL-O-13830 and
MIL-F-13926 shall be utilized as applicable. Certified test results,
identifiable with the examination, may be accepted in lieu of repeated
tests if such tests will be destructive to the end item or its components.
The Government reserves the right to require retests when deemed necessary
to assure acceptable components. Certification.- Certification shall Include test data and
results for all characteristics specified in Table III. Certification
shall be provided prior to performing final acceptance inspection, and
remain in effect throughout the contract for Government acceptance. This
does not relieve the contractor from inspection throughout the contract
production, including recording data and results therefrom. Recorded data
and results shall be made available to the Government upon request. A new
certification will be required should any changes occur in materials,
manufacturing processes and techniques previously certified. Final acceptance inspection.- Subsequent to first article
approval, examination and tests related to Section 3 herein shall be per-
formed on a single defect (individual characteristic) basis in accordance
with MIL-STD-105 and the sampling plans specified in Tables I and II herein.
Examination and tests for packaging, packing and marking shall be in accord-
ance with MIL-P-14232 and Section 5 herein. The tabulated classification of
defects in Tables I and II shall constitute the minimum inspection to be per-
formed by the supplier after first article approval, compliance with the
certification provisions of this specification and prior to Government accept-
ance or rejection by item or lot.
CLASS CHaracteristic
MAJOR: AQL 0.65 percent defective
101. Vibration
102. Cleanliness
103. Collimation
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