| ![]() MIL-P-46601B (MU)
2.1 (Cont)
ORD-SIP-S314 - Visual Inspection Standards for Small Arms
Ammunition Primer Defects
AMCR 715-505 - Ammunition Ballistic Acceptance Test Methods,
Volume 8, Test Procedures for 20mm Cartridges
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required
by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions shall be
obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting
2.2 Other Publications.-The following publications, of the issue in effect
on date of invitation for bids, or request for proposal, form a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein.
Code of Federal Regulations
49CFR 71-90 -- Interstate Commerce Commission Rules and Regulations
for the Transportation of Explosives and Other
Dangerous Articles
(The Interstate Commerce Commission regulations are now a part of the Code
of Federal Regulations (1967 Edition and revision) available from the
Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.,
20315.Orders for the above publication, cite 49CFR 71-90 (latest revision)
3.1 General. -The primer shall be as specified on Drawing (Dwg.) D7259094, refe
enced specifications and other requirements specified herein.
3.2 Manufacturing process.-All parts and assemblies shall be manufactured
by a process approved by the contracting officer and no deviation from
that process shall be made without his prior approval. (see 6.5)
3.3 Sensitivity.-The primer sensitivity shall be in accordance with the
requirements of Dwg. D7259094.
3.4 Action time.-The action time of the test cartridge shall not exceed
four milliseconds (ins) when assembled with the sample primers.
3.5 Function and casualty .-The sample primers shall function without
casualty at ambient temperature when assembled into test cartridges.
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