| ![]() MIL-P-46601B(MU)
6.1.4 Instructions for shipment of first article and production samples
for firing tests.
6,1.5 Provision for furnishing the National Stock Number (NSN) if packing
and marking for shipment is required. (see 5.1 and 5.2)
6.1.6 Provision for the supply, maintenance and disposition of Government
furnished equipment for acceptance inspection purposes.
6.1.7 Provisions for the inclusion of MIL-STD-1167, Ammunition Data Cards
on DD form 1423, Contract Data Requirement List.
6.2 First article sample. -In order to minimize inspection costs, the firing
test, as specified in 4.3, will be performed after the sample has been
found acceptable for all other requirements.
6.3 AQL's.-The optional use of AQL values for either individual defects
or classes of defects, with individual major defect limitations, is in-
tended to minimize inspection agency administrative burden which might
result from an exclusive assignment of individual defect AQL's. The
option also permits flexibility where sampling inspection for acceptance
is integrated into the manufacturing process.
6.4 Sensitivity tests. -The criteria for use of the two height method and
for reinstitution of the rundown method is specified in 6.4.1 and 6.4.2.
6.4.1 Rundown to two heights. -When the complete rundown test is in effect,
the two height test shall be instituted providing this two height method
is considered desirable by the Government and all of the following condi-
tions are satisfied:
a. The preceding five lots have been accepted by the rundown method
on original test.
b. Skewness value for each of these lots has not exceeded the value
of .787 (without regard to its plus or minus sign).
Production is at a steady rate.
6.4.2 Two height to rundown. -When the two height test is in effect, the
rundown method shall be instituted if any of the following occur:
A lot is rejected, first test,
b. Skewness value exceeds the value of .787 (without regard to
its plus or minus sign).
Production becomes irregular or delayed.
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