| ![]() MIL-P-48239 (MU)
hot water, dry in an oven at 100 5C for 1 hour
and in a muffle furnace at approximately 750C for 30
minutes, cool in a desiccator and weigh. Calculate
the percentage of barium nitrate in the sample on a
moisture-free basis as follows:
Percentage of barium nitrate
A = increase in weight of Gooch crucible
W = weight of sample
M = percent moisture expressed as a decimal fraction Potassium perchlorate. Calculate the percentage
of potassium perchlorate in the sample by deducting the
percentage of barium nitrate and aluminum powder found from
4.4.5 Granulation (basic ingredients). The granulation
shall be determined on the basic ingredients in accordance
with applicable specification.
5.1 Marking and Storage. Material shall be stored
in waterproof container and marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129.
6.1 Intended use. This photoflash powder is intended
for use in various pyrotechnic items.
6.2 Ordering date. Procurement. documents should
specify the following:
Title, number and date of this specification.
Type specified in the contract.
Provisions for submission of first article samples.
Acceptance and description sheets - Acceptance
and description sheets shall be prepared for each lot in
accordance with MIL-STD-1171.
6.3 Inspection code numbers. The five digit code
numbers assigned to the inspections herein are to
facilitate future data collection and analysis by the
6.4 Supersession Data. This specification includes
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