| ![]() MIL-P-48571(MU)
3.5.7 Gain adjust and reticle brightness control - Passive.- This
requirement shall be met at standard ambient temperature and the tempera-
ture conditions specified in 3.4.2. Knobs MS 91528-0E1B shall be manually
operable through the full limits of the rheostat.
3.5.8 Focusing lock - Daylight.- This requirement shall be met with
a 10 lb-ins torque applied to the locking screw on Housing 11727432. When
checked at standard ambient temperature and the temperature conditions
specified in 3.4.2, there shall be no rotation of Eccentric 8205635 when a
48 ounce-inches (oz-ins) torque is applied to the eccentric.
3.5.9 Objective focusing mechanism - Daylight.- This requirement shall
be met with the locking screw backed off a minimum of two full revolutions
from the locked position established. in 3.5.8. The running torque required
to rotate Eccentric 8205635 through a minimum of one-full revolution in
each direction shall not exceed 30 oz-ins when checked at standard tempera-
ture. When checked at the temperature conditions specified in 3.4.2, the
running torque shall not exceed 50 oz-ins.
3.6 Vibration/Shock.
3.6.1 Vibration "A".- This requirement shall be met with the image
intensifier tube and reticle projector lamp energized by the application
of +24 6.0 VDC to Contact 11733497 (Reference Drawing F11733401). The
vibration input to the periscope shall be at the interface-of the periscope
and mount. Vibration shall be applied along each of three mutually perpen-
dicular axes of the periscope. The vibration shall be sinusoidal as
follows :
a. At a frequency of 5 Hertz (Hz), the acceleration shall be
.65 G (peak).
b). During a frequency sweep of 5 to Hz, increase acceleration
linearly from .65 to 1.5 G's (peak).
c. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 500 Hz, maintain constant ac-
celeration of 1.5 G's (peak).
d. During a frequency sweep of 500 to 9 Hz, maintain constant
acceleration of 1.5 G'S (peak)
e. During a frequency sweep of 9 to 5 Hz, decrease acceleration
linearly from 1.5 G'S to .65 G's (peak).
At Hz, the acceleration shall be .65 G (peak).
The frequency of applied Vibration shall be swept logarithmically in 15
minute 1 minute sweep cycles- for a total of two hours per axis There
shall be no failure or flicker of light emission from the image intensi-
fier tube nor the reticle projector lamp during vibration and the peri-
scope shall ShOW no evidence of physical failure subsequent to vibration.
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