| ![]() MIL-P-48602(MU)
(copies of specifications, standards, drawings and Publication
required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions
s h o u l d be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the
contracting officer.)
Fabrication.- The plotting board shall be manufactured in ac-
c o r d a n c e with Drawing F11746801 and drawings pertaining thereto. The
p l o t t i n g board case shall be manufactured in accordance with Drawing
1 1 7 3 3 7 5 4 and drawings pertaining thereto.
3.2 General specification.- The contractor shall be responsible
f o r adherence to and compliance with the following requirements of
S p e c i f i c a t i o n MIL-F-13926:
Order of precedence.
Dimensions and tolerances.
Inorganic protective surface finishes.
Part identification and marking.
3.3 Environmental.
3.3.1 Storage temperatures.- The plotting board shall show no evi-
d e n c e of phvsical failure and shall meet all performance requirements of
this specification when thermally stabilized at a standard ambient temp-
e r a t u r e of between 60 and 90 Fahrenheit (F) after having been exposed
t o , and thermally stabilized at ambient temperatures of -50 and +140F.
3.3.2 Operating temperatures.- The plotting board shall operate
f r e e l v while exposed to and thermally stabilized at ambient temperature
o f - 4 00 and +125F, subsequent to which the plotting board shall meet
t h e requirements of 3.4 to 3.7 inclusive when checked at a standard am-
b i e n t temperature of between 60 and 90F.
3.4 Accuracy.- With the conditions existing as designated in (a)
t h r o u g h (c) below, and with checkpoints located on the base grid 2300
m e t e r s to the right and left of the "O" disk line and on the 2300 meter
l i n e in each quadrant (total of four points) -the board shall meet the
requirements specified in 3.4.1 through 3.4.4.
a . H o l e of the disk is engaged with outside diameter of pivot
center of the base grid.
b . P i n bottom of the deflection arm knob is inserted in the
pivot center of the base grid.
c . The "0" azimuth index line of the disk in coincidence with
t h e "O" index line on the base grid.
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