| ![]() MIL-P-48619(AR) Parallelism of reticle and image - Passive. -Perform
this test while viewing through the passive eyepiece of the
periscope with the unaided eye. Position one extremity of the
periscope horizontal reticle line coincident to the horizontal
target image line. The periscope horizontal reticle line shall be
parallel to the horizontal target line within the tolerance speci-
fied in 3.8.6, as determined by the tolerance gates provided on the
tar get. Parallelism of reticle and image - daylight. -Perform
this test while viewing through the daylight eyepiece of the peri-
scope with the unaided eye. Position one extremity of the 400 meter
range line on the periscope reticle coincident to the horizontal
target image line. The range line shall be parallel to the hori-
zontal target line with the tolerance specified in, as
determined by the tolerance gates provided on the target. Objective focusinq ranqe. Daylight. -This test shall be performed subsequent to
the test in A dial indicator, graduated in .001 of an
inch, mounted on an appropriate stand, a supporting medium capable
of receiving the dial indicator as well as the body assembly to be
tested and the screw driver specified in shall be utilized
for this test. With the daylight body removed from the periscope
and firmly secured on the supporting medium, position the dial
indicator so that its contact point touches the face of the moveable
objective tube of the daylight body and set the dial to read zero
with the indicating hand. Back off the locking screw of Housing
11727432 a minimum of two full revolutions from its locked
position. Starting from zero reading of the dial indicator, rotate
the eccentric until the objective assembly has traveled the minimum
distance specified in, as measured on the dial indicator.
Return the indicating hand of the dial indicator to zero by means of
the eccentric and repeat this travel in the opposite direction.
There shall be sufficient travel in each direction to meet the
minimum requirements specified in, as measured on the dial
indicator. Upon completion of this test, reinstall the daylight
body in periscope and repeat the parallax adjustment procedure
specified in The daylight body shall then be subjected
to the test in Passive. -This portion of the test shall be performed
with the 10" collimator adjusted for 50 meters. With the diopter
ring adjusted for best focus of the phosphor grain on the screen of
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