| MIL-P-52405C
pumping unit which include castings and forgings shall be clean of harmful
extraneous material such as sand, dirt, sprues, scale, and flux. Rework shall be
limited to procedures which do not reduce mechanical properties or affect
3.11.2 Metal fabrication. Metal used in fabrication shall be free from kinks
and sharp bends. The straightening of material Shall be done by methds that
will not cause damage to the material. corners shall be square and true. Flame-
cutting using tips suitable for the thickness of the steel, may be employed
instead of shearing and sawing. All bends shall be made with controlled means to
insure uniformity of size and shape. Precaution shall be taken to avoid
overheating. Heated steel shall be allowed to cool slowly. External surfaces
shall be free of burrs, sharp edges, and corners, except where sharp edges or
corners are required or where they are not detrimental to safety.
3.11.3 Welders and welding. Welders. Before assigning any welder or welding operator to manual
welding work covered by this specification, the contractor shall obtain
certification that the welder or welding operator has passed qualification tests
as p rescribed by either the ASME Boiler and Pressure Code - Steel or AWS D1.1 for
the type of welding operations to be performed and that such qualification is
effective as defined by the particular code. Certification shall be made
available, upon request, to the contracting officer or designatd representative.
Contractors who make horizontal welds need not qualify welders for "all position
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