| ![]() MIL-P-52910B(ME)
3.3.5 Welding electrodes for aluminum. Welding electrodes for aluminum
shall conform to AWS A5.10, classification ER5356.
3.4 Slinging and tiedown provisions. Slinging and tiedown provisions
shall be as specified on the drawings and conform to MIL-STD-209.
3.5 Identification marking. The pallet shall be identified as shown on
the drawings.
3.6 Shipping data plate. A data plate shall be affixed to each pallet in
accordance with the drawings.
3.7 Instruction plate. Each pallet shall be equipped with an instruction
plate as specified on the drawings.
3.8 Treatment and painting. Treatment and painting shall be as specified
on the drawings. Camouflage pattern painting shall be in accordance with
drawing 13226E7234.
3.9 Lubrication.
Lubrication shall be as shown on the end product
3.10 Government-loaned property. The following property shall be loaned
by the Government (see 6.6):
a. Ribbon Bridge Transporter (MIL-T-52735) (transporter) - TM5-5420-209-
b. Operation and Maintenance Manual (cargo pallet) - TM5-5420-208-128P
3.11 Workmanship.
3.11.1 Metal fabrication. Metal used in fabrication shall be free from
kinks and sharp bends. The straightening of material shal1 be done by
methods that will not cause injury to the material. Corners shall be square
and true. All bends shall be made with controlled means to insure
uniformity of size and shape. Precaution shall be taken to avoid
overheating. External surfaces shall be free from burrs, sharp edges, and
corners, except when sharp edges or corners are required or where they are
not detrimental to safety. Aluminum shall not be cut by processes using
3.11.2 Welders and welding. Welders. Before assigning any welder or welding operator to a
welding operation covered by this specification, the contractor shall
obtain certification that the welder or welding operator has passed the
qualification test as specified by either the following listed codes for
the type of welding operations to be performed effective as defined by the
particular code:
ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, Section IX, Welding and Blazing
AWS D1.2 Structural Welding Code - Aluminum.
The contractor who makes only horizontal welds need not qualify welders or
welding operators for "all position welding". The contractor is responsible
for determining that automatic welding equipment operators are capable of
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