| MIL-P-60335C (MU)
Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Data cards.-Data cards shall be prepared for each
lot in accordance with the information specified in Standard
c. Requirements for the submission of first article
samples by the contractor.
d. Concentricity.-Concentricity requirements for Tube,
Bodies; Body Tube Assemblies; Cone, Tails and Tail Cone Assemblies
may be liberalized or omitted by mutual written agreement between
the Government and prime contractor for the projectile assembly
provided the contractor agrees to accept the resultant loss of
projectile alignment rejects (See as a result of the
6.2 Inspection code numbers. -The five-digit code numbers
assigned to the inspections herein are to facilitate future
data collection and analysis by the Government.
6.3 Inspection equipment designs.-Inspection equipment
designs are of two types: Army designs and contractor designs.
Wherever required, Army designs are designated by drawing numbers
on the Equipment Lists referenced on the ET, and are mandatory
for use by the contractor. Design responsibility for all other
inspection equipment is assigned to the contractor. Equipment to be
designed by the contractor is designated "CD".
6.3.1 Army designs .-Mandatory Army designs may consist
of any of the following:
a. Detailed drawings which completely depict all
information necessary for the fabrication and use of the item
of inspection equipment.
b. A source control drawing or a specification control
drawing as defined in MIL-STD-100.
c. An envelope drawing, as defined in MIL-STD-100, which
establishes the criteria which a detailed design shall meet.
When envelope drawings are specified, the contractor shall prepare
designs which comply with the criteria therein.
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