| ![]() MIL-P-60835A(MU)
(2) The lot will be rejected if three or more assemblies throw
band fragments having length not greater than 0.500 inch.
(3) The lot will be rejected if any projectile throws a band
fragment having length greater than 0.500 inch (indicative of deep-seated
band lamination).
(4) The lot will not be penalized for band particles thrown as a
result of normal band fringing or slivering.
4.4.5 Packaging, Packing and Marking Inspection.-Inspection for packaging.
packing and marking shall comply with applicable requirements of MIL-STD-1169.
4.4.6 Inspection Equipment.-Index of Inspection Equipment Lists (IEL)
7259271 identifies the applicable inspection equipment lists indicating the
equipment required to perform examination and tests prescribed herein. Equip-
ment design shall be in accordance with code designation on the applicable
IEL (reference is made to Inspection Equipment Lists for coding definitions,
Dwg. B11075228, a detail of IEL 7259271). Provisions of MIL-A-2550 shall
4.5 Test Methods and Procedures.
4.5.1 Band Tightness. -The method of test shall comply with all requirements
of the operating instructions for the band tightness tester (Dwg. B7259545,
a detail of IEL 7259271). The inspection sample shall be cycled through the
tester to determine compliance with the rotating band tightness requirement.
The total measurement of radial void (band looseness), registered on the
tester indicator at final ram pressure, shall be divided by four (number
of indenters) to determine the average radial void.
4.5.2 Soundness. -The method of inspection shall comply with all requirements
of Operating Instructions, Eddy Current Flaw Detector, Dwg. D11075203 (a detail
of IEL 7259271) for Detecting Metal Discontinuity in Projectile Bodies for
20mm Ammunition, except for those inspection requirements which are reserved
for Government application, as specified herein.
4.5.3 Automatic eddy current inspection effectiveness. -Equipment checkout
shall be performed as stated in the Operating Instructions at the start of
each shift and after any adjustment or shutdown. Upon completion of checkout,
cycle the PCS #1, front slot and rear slot standards through the inspection
system during automatic operation. All three standards must be rejected to
assure correct adjustment for reject level and scan limits. During remainder of
shift the PCS #1 shall be cycled through the equipment at intervals of 20 5
minutes during automatic operation.
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