| ![]() MIL-P-62211B(AR)
3.1.3 Ambient conditions.
Standard ambient conditions shall be as
730 18F
a. Temperature
b. Relative humidity
50 percent 30 percent
28.5 + 2.0 - 3.0 in. Hg.
c. Atmospheric, pressure
3.2 First article. When specified (see 6.2). the contractor droll
furnish sample units for first article inspection and approval (see 4.4 and
3.3 Performance. Unless otherwise specified, the assembly shall meet the
performance requirements specified herein under standard ambient conditions of
3.3.1 Reduced-load output voltage characteristics. Under the reduced-
load condition, item 1.2 of table I, with the tank power, item 2.1 of table I,
applied at 24 1 Vdc, with the EMER POWER switch A31S1 in the ON position,
the outputs betweeen pins as listed for items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of table II shall
have the characteristics specified therin. (See
3.3.2 Full-load output voltage ation. Under the full-load condi-
tion. item 1.1 of table I, with the EM POWER switch A31S1 in the ON positions,
the outputs between pins as listed for items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of table
II shall be specified when the tank power, item 2.1 of table I, is applied
at 18 +2 -1 Vdc and at 30 +0 -2 Vdc. With 30 +0 -2 Vdc tank power applied,
the input current into A31J4-A and B shall be not greater than 6.0 amperes.
3.3.3 Power transient and +15 V interlock. Under the
full-load condi-
tion, item 1.1 of table I, with the computer ONpower item
2.2, table I
applied and with the input power condition established as
specified in table
III, the output signal conditions shall be as specified in
table III. (See
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