| ![]() MIL-P-63332(AR)
3.11 Optical characteristics, with image tube installed. Unless other-
wise specified, the requirments of 3.11.2 through inclusive shall be
met with:
The image tube installed in the periscope (see 3.11.1).
The periscope assembled to its mount assembly.
The clear filter positioned in the optical train.
The Image tube, through the high voltage oscillator, and the
reticle projector lamp energized (using 6.5 +.25 volts de.)
3.11.1 Image intensifier tube, _government furnished. When the image
intensifier tube IS provided by the government each tube shall be subjected to
verification by the contractor for the following requirements prior to inser-
tion into the periscope. Physical defects. The image tube shall show no evidence of
external or internal damage such as chips, digs, scratches, loose parts and
other surface defects to fiber optics, glass and metal. The energized screen
shall not contain pits, scratches or other surface defects in excess of
tolerances specified in MIL-I-55340. Operational defects. With an input voltage of 6.5 + .25 Vdc to
the image intensifier tube, there shall be no internal shorting, cathode flut-
tering or change in intensity nor bright or dark areas which could result in
rejection of a complete periscope. Luminance gain.
Luminance gain shall meet the requirements of
MIL-I-55340. Center resolution.
Center resolution shall meet the require-
ments of MIL-I-55340. Image alinement.
Image alinement shall meet the requirements of
3.11.2 Cleanliness.
There shall be no visible evidence of conden- Head assembly
sates grease, fingerprints, and fractures when viewing the glass components by
transmitting light from either end. In addition, the total number of dirt (or
foreign) particles on the glass surface (combined) shall not exceed four (4)
when viewing from either end. The maximum dimension of my particle shall be
0.025 inches. Unity power system - body assembly. There shall be no visible
evidence of condensates, grease, fingerprints or fractures when viewing the
glass components, by transmitted light from either end. In addition, the
total number of dirt (or foreign) particles on the glass surfaces (combined)
shall not exceed six (6) when viewing from the eye end. The maximum dimension
of any particle shall be 0.025 inches.
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