| ![]() MIL-P-63332(AR)
NOTE: A narrow band radiation source may be substituted for the 2870K
illuminance source in this test. The spectral response of the light
source shall be equivalent to the spectral response of the filter. Luminous transmittance - eyepiece and erecting system. A diffuse
surface with a luminance of not less than 100 foot lamberts shall be posi-
tioned in the object plane (image tube cavity) of the eye telescope. The
luminance of the target as seen at the eyepiece of the periscope shall be not
less than the value specified in when measured with an eye corrected
photometer. Luminous transmittance - head assembly. Conduct this test with
the body assembly removed from the mounting plate assembly. A diffuse lumi-
nous source from 2870 100K tungsten shall be positioned at the exit
aperture. The transmittance measurement shall be made with an eye corrected
photometer while scanning the entrance aperture. The transmittance shall be
not less than the value specified in 3.10.3a as measured on the photometer.
Ccanpute the percentage of-transmittance using the following:
Luminance of source as seen through head x 100%
Luminance of source Resolution - head assembly. Perform this test utilizing a reso-
lution target and a telescope of at least 90 power with an entrance pupil of
at least 7.0 inches. The resolution target shall be placed on a wall target
or in a collimator, positioned incident to the entrance window, and shall
represent the angular subtense for the seconds of arc specified. Construction
of the resolution target shall conform to the USAF 1951 Resolution Pattern in
accordance with MIL-STD-150. The target shall be illuminated by diffuse light
from a 2870 100K tungsten lamp. The resolution target shall have the
detectable line structure and proper line count when observed, at one focus
setting, through the telescope positioned at the exit aperture of the head
assembly. Resolution shall meet the requirements of 3.10.3b. Resolution on-axis - periscope objective assembly. Position a
resolution pattern on a reticle placed in the focal plane of the objective
system of the periscope (image tube cavity). Construction of the resolution
pattern reticle shall be as shown in Figure 7. Project the resolution pattern
by diffuse light from a 2870 100K tungsten lamp. The resolution pat-
tern shall have the detectable line structure and proper line count when
observed through a telescope positione at, and normal to, the entrance aper-
ture of the head assembly (see Figure 8). The telescope shall conform to the
telescope utilized in Resolution on-axis shall meet the requirements
of Resolution off-axis - periscope objective assembly. Perform
this test as specified in, except that the viewing telescope shall be
rotated off-axis the required distance. Resolution off-axis shall meet the
requirements of
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