| ![]() MIL-P-63332(AR) Excursion range, boresight movement. Establish coincidence of
the reticle boresight point with the boresight mark of the projected target
image by means of the azimuth and elevation boresight knobs: rotate the azi-
muth knob to its clockwise stop, and then rotate the elevation knob to its
clockwise stop, then to its counterclockwise stop. Re-establish coincidence
of the reticle boresight boresight point with the boresight mark of the target
image by means of the boreslght knobs. Rotate the azimuth knob to its
counterclockwise stop, and then rotate the elevation knob to its clockwise
stop, then to its counterclockwise stop. These rotations of the azimuth and
elevation knobs shell move the reticle boresight point the distance specified
in, as measured on the target. Reticle shift - azimuth and elevation boresight movement. Esta-
blish coincidence of a horizontal reticle line with the horizon target line
image. Rotate the boresight knobs in each direction through their full excur-
sion. During the rotation of the knobs the reticle boresight mark shall not
deviate in a direction perpendicular to the intended movement more than the
tolerance specified in Backlash - azimuth and elevation boresight movement. With back-
lash excluded for the direction of travel, establish coincidence of the reti-
cle boresight point with the boresight mark of the projected target image.
Record the position of the boresight knobs. Rotate the knobs to their clock-
wise stops, then with backlash included, re-establish coincidence of the bore
sight point and boresight knobs. Any difference between the two recorded
readings is the amount of backlash. Backlash shall not exceed the tolerance
specified in as measured on the knob scales. Should overtravel
occur during the rotation of the boresight knobs, the test Is nullified. When
overtravel occurs the test for backlash shall be repeated. Elevation accuracy. Perform this test in sequence to the test
in The auto-collimating device specified in in conjun-
tion with the penta prism and viewing telescope shall be utilized in this
test. The mirror shall be auto-collimated to the viewing telescope when Sur-
face "C" of the input coupling of the head assembly is positioned 67 degrees
30 minutes with respect to Datum Plane "A". The reflecting (auto-collimating)
surface of the mirror shall lay in a plane parallel to Datum Plane "D" and a
vertical center line passing through the geometric axis of the shaft of the
input coupling adapter. The auto-collimating surface of the mlrro shall also
remain parallel to the vertical center of the input coupling adapter during
rotation through its full excursion of trave. Auto-collimation of the mirror
and the viewing telescope shall be accomplished with the head assembly removed
from the line of sight. Position and secure the head assembly in the holding
device with the auto-collimating device affixed and oriented on the input
coupling of the head assembly. With backlash removed for travel in elevation,
position Surface "C" of the input coupling so that the line of sight is
deflected 18 degrees below the horizontal plane. Direct a line of sight
through the viewing telescope and note the position of its reticle lines with
respect to the reflectedreticle lines. While observing the intersecting point
(boresight point) of the vertical and horizontal reticle lines of the real and
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