| ![]() MIL-P-63332(AR) Focus range. The test for short range focus requirements of
the periscope shall be performed with the target image adjusted to a focus of
40 feet. With the diopter knob positioned for best focus of the phosphor
grain on the screen of the image tube, rotate the focus knob of the periscope
to the short range setting. The periscope shall conform to the requirements
specified in The test for infinity (long range) requirements of
the periscope shall be performed with the target image adjusted for infinity
focus. Rotate the focusing knob to the infinity setting, the periscope shall
conform to the requirements specified in The periscope shall then
be subjected to the test specified in Image shift due to range focus knob. Adjust the target image
for a focus of 1500 meters. With the diopter knob positioned for best focus
of the phosphor grain on the screen of the image tube, rotate the focus knob
of the periscope and obtain best focus of the target image. Remove the
projected reticle pattern of the periscope from the field of view. Position an
auxiliary telescope that contains a crossline reticle at the eypeiece of the
periscope. Adjust the telescope to obtain coincidence of horizontal and ver-
tical lines of the auxiliary telescope and target image. While observing the
target image through the auxiliary telescope, rotate the range focus knob
through the clockwise and counterclockwise revolution value specified in During this rotation of the focus knob the target image shall not
shift in excess of the tolerance specified in Image shift shall be
measured on the target with reference to horizontal and vertical lines of the
auxiliary telescope. Focus effect on diopter setting. Adjust the periscope
diopter knob for best focus of the phosphor grain on the screen of the image
tube. Record the diopter scale reading. Rotate the focusing knob through the
range specified in Any adjustment of the diopter knob to obtain
best focus of the target image, due to rotation of the focusing knob, shall
not exceed the tolerance specified in as measured on the diopter
scale. Image centering. Position Surface "C" of the input coupling 66
degress with respect to Datum Plane "A". Project a horizontal and vertical
crossline image into the nine power system of the periscope. The target image
lines shall extend beyond the applicable edge of the field of view of the
periscope under test. The target image lines shall also contain graduations-
in increments of 5.0 mil. Remove the projected reticle pattern of the peri
scope from the field of view. Observe the target image through the eyepiece
of the periscope from the periscope. The target image shall appear centered
in the field of view of the periscope, such that any difference between the
number of mils, on the target image; measured at the edge of the field does
not exceed twice the mil value specified In in both the horizontal
and vertical direction.
4.6.12 Operability - disengagement of knob locks. The direct force
required to disengage the diopter knob and each boresight knob shall be
measured with standard measuring equipment. The measured force shall be not
less than or exceed the limits specified in 3.12.1 for the temperature
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