| ![]() MIL-P-670A
(b) Procedure.
Place a flat wad of pyrex wool (0.1 to 0.2 grams)
into the bottom of the bomb and add 0.5 ml. of water measured with a
50 psi and releasing three times.
Allow 45 to 50 psi pressure to remain
and place the bomb in a bath maintained at
plus or minus 2C.
t h e pressure intermittently to exactly 50 psi until there is no further
Starting at this time, record the pressure using the automatic
Al alternate (but less desirable) procedure is to make the
readings visually at 1/2 hour intervals for 1-1/2 hours and at 2 hour
Plot cumulative pressure drop against time
intervals thereafter.
(see figure 2) considering the zero time to be 3/4 hour after the bomb
The curve is characterized by a portion of
is placed in the bath.
moderate slope containing a linear portion, followed by a portion of a
greater slope which also contains a linear portion and which tapers off.
The induction period is defined as the abcissa (AE') of the intersection
The oxidation rate is
of the two linear portions extended (BB' and MM').
defined as the slope of the second linear portion (MM') (see 6.7).
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