| ![]() MIL-P-70679 (AR)
Quality conformance inspection.
4.4.1 Inspection lot formation. Inspection lots shall comply
with the lot formation provisions of MIL-A-48078 and the following: Heat treatment batches. Heat treatment batches shall
contain bodies from not more than one mill heat of steel, that
have been heat treated in the same heat-treatment equipment, at
the same temperature and time conditions in one unchanged
process. No projectile shall be re-heat treated if it fails to
meet the applicable drawing requirements without Government
approval. The batch thus constituted shall be the basis for the
selection of samples for the tension test hereinafter prescribed. Projectile lots. Projectile lots shall consist of
projectile assemblies produced by one manufacturer under one
contract in one unchanged process, in accordance with the same
drawing revision and specification revision, under conditions of a
continuous production free of interruptions other than those due
to the end of shift day or work week. All heat treatment batches
that have complied with the mechanical properties requirements of
the applicable component drawing may be re-grouped for assembly
into projectile lots. A projectile lot may contain projectiles
from more than one mill heat of steel.
See MIL-A-48078. Unless otherwise
4.4.2 Examination.
specified in the Classification of Defects and Test Tables,
sampling plans and procedures for major and minor defects shall be
in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level II.
NOTE : Tool control dimensions. Dimensions marked tool
control (see drawing) shall be gaged every two (2) hours or
fraction thereof, during First Article Inspection, on the last
component prior to a tooling change, adjustment or repair, and on
the first component after each tooling change, adjustment or
repair. Where destruction of the component is necessary to gage
such dimensions, measurements of the tool may be substituted
provided the contractor has established correlation between the
tool dimensions and the component dimensions prior to the start of
production. Corrective action will immediately be instituted by
the contractor whenever a defective tool control dimension is
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