| ![]() MIL-P-82436 (OS)
4 .4.3.4
Shock equipment . The shock equipment shall be capable of
accepting an 8 pound test specimen and shall provide ranges of:
300 g's for 0.5 milliseconds (ins) to 1.5 ms
60 g's for 8.0 ms to 10.0 ms
45 g's for 18.0 ma to 20.0 ms
Temperature and humidity conditioning equipment. One or more
equipments may be utilized to provide the following characteristics:
-45 F to +140 F; with an
accuracy to 5 F
Relative humidity:
95 percent minimum at +110 F;
Interior size:
7-1/2 inches x 6 inches x 8
Inches minimum
This equipment may be used for both non-operating and ready/operating
temperature (and humidity) tests.
Test procedures .
Operational test. The preproduction pumps shall be mounted
in the pump test stand and connected to the auxiliary equipment and
instruments in accordance with Figure 2. Twenty cubic centimeters (2/3 oz.) of
lubrication oil, see 6.7, shall be used in the pump housing. The pump
and all items containing Otto fuel shall be enclosed by a suitable
barrier. The controls and instrumentation readout indicators shall be
remotely located from components containing Otto fuel. Safety, handling,
and disposal of the Otto fuel shall be in accordance with NavWeps OP 3366.
The Otto fuel shall not be reused for testing pumps or for any other
purpose. The pump shall deliver the Otto fuel at the pressures specified
in Table VI, within the respective parameters listed, when driven at
3880 10 rpm, with bias pressure controlled within the respective
parameters listed, and using the flow-limiting orifice specified in
4,4.3.1 d.
During the test, the pump shall remain loaded, the orifice
shall not be by-passed. Pump inlet pressure shall be maintained between
4 and 10 psig.
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