| ![]() MIL-P-82530(OS)
3 . 2 Preproduction samples. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or
order, preproduction samples of the pruner shall be manufactured using the
methods and procedures proposed for production. The sample shall be tested
as specified in Section 4 herein and is for the purpose of determining that prior
to starting production, the contractor's production methods arc capable of yield-
ing items that comply with the technical requirements of the contract.
3 . 3 Performance and product characteristics.
The primer shall meet the
following performance and product characteristics.
3.3.1 Continuity and resistance. The primer circuit shall be continuous
with a resistance of not less than 0.14 ohm or more than 0.20 ohm.
3 . 3 . 2 Electri nonfiring sensitivity. The primer shall not function when
subjected to a direct current of 1.0 plus or minus 0.1 ampere for a mimimum. of
10 seconds.
3 . 3 . 3 Insulation resistance. The resistance between the shorted lead
wires and the case shall be not less than 50 megohms when an alternating poten-
tial of 1000 volts is applied for 1 second.
3.3.4 Direct current functioning. The primer shall function in 5 milli-
seconds or less when subjected to a DC voltage which will produce a current of
5 plus or minus O. 15 amperes through the bridge wire.
3 . 3 . 5 Capacitor discharge functioning, The primer shall function within
400 microseconds or less when subjected to the discharge of a 450 microfarad,
m aximum. capacitor charged to 24 plus 4 minus 0 volts DC.
3 . 3 . 6 Output. The primer shall produce an indentation in the aluminum
test block, shown in Figure 1, of between 0. 010 and 0.050 inch.
3.4 Env -ironmental requirements. Unless otherwise specified. the primer
shall be capable of conforming to the performance and product characteristics of
this specification after being exposed to the environments and all conditions
specified herein. (See 6.2f)
3 . 4 . 1 Vibration. The primer shall withstand vibration in accordance with
MIL-STD-331, Test 104, and thereafter shall meet only the requirements of
continuity and resistance, 3.3.1, and capacitor discharge functioning, 3.3.5.
3 . 4 . 2 Temperature and humidity, The primer shall withstand temperature
and humidity in accordance with MIL-STD-331, Test 105, or in accordance with
the alternate procedure described in 4.5. 1.2.1 and thereafter shall meet only
the requirements of capacitor discharge functioning. 3.3.5.
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