| ![]() MIL-P-82530(OS)
the indentation at approximately equidistant points. The arithmetical average
of the four measurements shall be considered as the average depth of indentation
for that particular disc. The depth of indentation shall be within the lower speci-
fication limit of 0.010 inch and the upper specification limit of 0.050 inch.
4 . 6 . 2 Visual examination. Visual examination shall be made on each
primer submitted for delivery to the procuring activity. The primer shall be
examined for conformance to the requirements of good Workmanship in paragraph
3 . 5 . Nonconformance is cause for rejection of the individual unit.
4 . 7 Packaging, packin g, and marking. The primer shall be examined for
conformance to the prescribed packaging, packing, and marking requirement ents
of Section 5.
5 . 1 Packaging. Twenty-five (25) to fifty (50) primers shall be bundled
together and secured with aluminum foil. A total of one hundred (100) primers
shall be packaged in 2 setup paperboard box, w hich meets minimum board re-
quirements for weight of contents as contained in Table III of PPP-B-566 or
Table II of PPP-B-676.
5 . 2 Packing. Fifty. (50) boxes, each containing one hundred (100) primers
(or a total of five thousand (5, 000) primers), packaged as described in 5.1, shall
be packed in a nailed wooden box conforming to the requirements of PPP-B-601,
5 . 3 Marking, In addition to any special marking required by the contract
or order, unit packages, intermediate packages, and shipping containers shall
be marked in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD- 129 and 49 CFR
Part 71 to 78.
5 . 4 Primer data cards. Data cards, 3 inches by 3 inches, made from
commercial white cardboard, printed as shown in Figure 5, shall be filled out
for each lot of primers and five (5) data cards shall be placed in each packaging
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