| MIL-P-85121(AS)
(c) MARK 12 MOD 0 . . . . . . . . .
DL 982432
DL 1350781
DL 1381197
(e) MARK 14 MOD 0....... . .
3 . 4 Materials.
3.4.1 Chemical compositions. The projectile assembly and components shall
meet the requirements of the material specification listed on the applicable drawing.
3.5 Mechanical properties.
3.5.1 Residual stress. Components produced by cold forming operations shall
be adequately stress relieved to assure freedom from susceptibility to cracking
or subsequent distortion or malfunction due to unrelieved stress. Hardness. The projectile assembly and components shall meet the hard-
ness requirements specified on the applicable drawings. M ARK 13 MOD 0 and
M ARK 14 MOD 0 projectile assemblies shall also meet the penetration require-
ments of 3.6.1, when loaded and fired as specified in AD-1324.
3.5.2 Freedom from defects. Soundness. Metal discontinuity in the MARK 11 MOD 1 and M ARK 12
MOD 0 projectile bodies, and the MARK 13 MOD 0 adapter, and the M ARK 14
MOD 0 windshield as determined by eddy current inspection, shall be less than
that represented by production check standards of NAP EC-0050 drawings. Fractures or inclusions. Metal discontinuity in the MARK 13 MOD 0
and M ARK 14 MOD 0 projectile bodies, as determined by ultrasonic inspection,
shall be less than that represented by production check and calibration standards
of NAPEC-0182 drawings.
3.5.3 Static forces. Projectile body component assemblies shall withstand
the following static forces:
(a) Pressure test and M ARK 11 MOD 1 projectiles shall withstand 40
inch-pounds torque with no angular displacement (see 6.3.1) of the
nose plug relative to the body.
(b) M ARK 13 MOD 0 projectile body assemblies shall withstand a com-
pressive axial load of 8,000 pounds without a permanent increase
greater than 0.0015-inch diameter in the cylindrical portion of the
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