| ![]() MIL-P-85662(AS) Disposition of rejected lot. Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order (see 6.2.1), first article samples and Pro-
duction lots which do not meet the inspection and test requirements speci-
fied herein shall be disposed of. Packing and marking inspection. Inspection of packing and
marking to determine compliance with the requirements of 5.1 shall be as
prescribed by the contracting activity.
4.2.4 Inspection equipment. When specified in the contract or purchase
order (see 6.2.2), the inspection equipment provisions of MIL-A-2550 shall
4.3 Methods of inspection.
4.3.1 Chemical composition and physical properties. The applicable tests
shall be performed in accordance with the procedures set forth in MIL-STD-286.
4.3.2 Internal ballistics performance. Ballistic tests shall be per-
formed in accordance with AS12013566 as applicable, except the approved
single-shot GAU-12/U barrel and test fixture shall be used. Projectiles
that simulate the PGU-20/U projectile may be used. Loading of test cartridges. The propellant samples selected in
accordance with 4.2.2 shall be used to load test cartridges with the charge
weight established to obtain the required ballistics. The variation in
established charged weight between each group of representative samples
shall not exceed 2.0 grams. The test cartridges shall be loaded by a
method capable of maintaining propellant charge weight uniformity or 0.1
gram for the selected charge weight. Velocity correction factor. A correction factor of 0.40 m/s per
meter shall be added to the recorded velocity at the measured range to
obtain muzzle velocity. Loading for special action time. The composite sample shall be
used to perform the special action time test at a charge weight 3 grams
below the established charge weight for the composite sample.
4.3.3 Air space. The specified propellant charge shall be poured into a
primed cartridge case in accordance with MIL-STD-286, Method 508.1.2.
Insert the projectile into the case mouth until it is completely seated
without any vibration or tamping of the components. The air space shall
meet the requirements of 3.1.1.
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