| ![]() MIL-P-85662(AS)
6.4 Computations for standard deviation. Where computation of a sample
standard deviation IS specified for determination of lot-acceptance, the
method of computation will be:
6.5 Combining tests. Tests may be performed concurrently on the sample
cartridge provided that the test resu ts are not affected by this procedure
to minimize testing costs.
6.6 Submission of inspection equipment designs for approval. Submit
equipment designs as required to Commander (AIR-54112F), Naval Air Systems
Command, Washington DC, and Commander (Code 2142), Pacific Missile Test
In request letter of submittal, state contrac-
Center, Pt Mugu, CA 93042.
tor, contract number, specification number, item nomenclature, and classi-
fication of defect or test paragraph.
6.7 Submission of results of contractor-conducted examinations and tests.
Unless otherwise specified by the contracting officer, the contractor
should forward requested records of examinations or tests to Commander
(AIR-54112F), Naval Air Systems Command, Washington DC, and Commander (Code
2142), Pacific Missile Test Center, Pt Mugu, CA 93042.
6.8 Drawings. Drawings listed in Section 2 of this specification under
the heading U.S. Army Armament Research and Development Command (ARRADCOM)
may also include drawings prepared by, and identified as, Edgewood Arsenal,
Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island Arsenal, or Picatinny Arsenal drawings.
Technical data originally prepared by these activities is now under the
cognizance of AMCCOM.
Preparing Activity
(Project No. 1305-NO07)
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