| ![]() MIL-P-85766(AS) Paint adhesion. The paint adhesion shall be in accordance with
TT-C-490. The test shall be made on the painted bourrelet of each unit of
the sample forward of the rotating band. Visible exposure of underlying
phosphate coating of ferrous metal of any unit of the sample, as a result
of the test, shall be recorded as a defect. Projectile coating defect criteria. Projectiles indicating
exposure of bare metal or underlying phosphate or organic pretreatment
shall be considered unsatisfactory if any of the following conditions
Any area exceeds 0.090 square inch.
More than one area exceeds 0.045 square inch.
More than five areas of 0.021 square inch.
c. Corrosion resistance. The corrosion resistance shall be in
accordance with ASTM B117-64. The paint shall not be disturbed, but the
rotating band and the unpainted surfaces of the sample projectiles shall be
masked out by a wax coating or other suitable material.
4.6 Visual inspection. The projectile shall be subjected to a visual
inspection in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-STD-651.
Projectiles not meeting these requirements shall be rejected.
4.7 System safety. System safety testing shall be performed to meet the
requirements of MIL-STD-882 to determine that all potential hazards are
eliminated or controlled to a level acceptable thorughout the entire life
cycle of a system.
4.8 Packaging, packing and marking inspection. Inspection for
packaging, packing and marking shall comply with applicable requirements of
Section 5.
5.1 Preservation. Each lot of projectile bodies, closure discs and
nose caps shall be preserved in accordance with MIL-STD-1169.
5.2 Packing. Each lot of projectile bodies, closure discs
nose caps shall be packed in accordance with MIL-STD-1169.
5.3 Marking. Marking or labeling of packed containers shall comply with
applicable requirements of MIL-STD-1169 and MIL-STD-130.
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