| ![]() MIL-P-85766(AS)
6.3 First article. When a first article inspection is required, the
items should be a first article sample. The first article should consist
of 50 projectiles. The contracting officer should
include s p e c i f i c
instruction in acquisition documents regarding arrangement for examina-
tions, approval of first article test results and disposition of first
Invitations for bids should provide that the Government reserves
the right to waive the requirement for samples for first article Inspection
to those bidders offering a product which has been previously acquired or
tested by the Government, and that bidders offering such products, who wish
to rely on such production or test, must furnish evidence with the bid that
prior Government approval is presently appropriate for the pending
6.4 A Q L s . The optional use of AQL values
for either individual defects
or classes of defects, with individual major
defect limitations, Is intended
to minimize inspection agency administrative
burden that might result from
AOLS. T h e o p t i o n a l s o p e r m i t s
an exclusive assignment of individual defect
flexibility where sampling inspection for acceptance is integrated into the
manufacturing process.
6.5 Drawings.
Drawings listed in Section 2 of this specification under
the heading Department of the Army may also include drawings prepared by
and identified as Edgewood Arsenal, Frankford Arsenal, Rock Island Arsenal,
Technical data originally prepared by these
or Picatinny Arsenal drawings.
a c t i v i t i e s a r e n o w u n d e r t i l e c o g n i z a n c e of t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f t h e A r m y .
6.6 Explosives
safety precautions.
Minimum explosives safety pre-
cautions for use by the contractor are detailed in DOD Instruction 4145.26M,
DOD Contractors' Safety Manual for Ammunition, Explosives, and Related
Dangerous Material.
6.7 Subject term (keyword) listing.
Small arms ammunition
Tracer (ordnance)
Training (ammunition)
20 millimeter
Preparing activity:
N a v y - (AS)
1305-N 101)
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