| ![]() MI L-R-17131C
3. 2.1.5 Recovered materials. Unless otherwise specified herein,
all equipment, material, and articles incorporated in the products covered
by this specification shall be new and shall be fabricated using materials
produced from recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable without
jeopardizing the intended use. The term `recovered materials means
materials which have been collected or recovered from solid waste and
reprocessed to become a source of raw materials, as opposed to virgin raw
None of the above shall be interpreted to mean that the use
of used or rebuilt products is allowed under this specification unless
otherwise specifically specified.
3.3 Size.
3.3.1 Length. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2.1), welding rods
shall be furnished in standard lengths of 12 to 18 inches. A minimum
length of 8 inches may be furnished but no more than 20 percent of any
order shall be shorter than the standard length.
3.3,2 Nominal diameter. The nominal diameter of rods shall be in
accordance with table I. Tolerance on diameter. The actual diameter of any rod shall
not vary more than 15 percent from the nominal diameter.
3.3.3 Nominal mesh size. The nominal mesh size range of powder
shall be in accordance with table I. Tolerance on mesh size. The total weight of powder larger
and smaller than the nominal mesh size range shall not exceed 2 percent
of the sieve analysis sample weight.
3.4 Surfacing filler metal identification.
3.4.1 Rod identification. At least one legible rod type designation
or classification number (see table II) shall be applied to each rod
approximately 1 inch from one end. The designation shall be applied by
imprinting: indenting or attaching a pressure- sensitive plastic-coated
tape imprinted with the designation. Equal-size block characters shall
be used. Their height shall be approximately 50 to 100 percent of the
rod diameter but need not exceed 5/32 inch height. The imprints shall
be made with fade-proof ink which is resistant to damage by oils, solvents,
atmospheric conditions, shipping, handling and use.
3.4.2 Powder identification. At least one legible powder type
designation or classification number (see table 111) shall be applied to
each unit container of powder. The designation shall be imprinted on the
unit container or imprinted on a pressure-sensitive plastic coated tape
and attached to the unit container. Equal-size block characters
approximately 5/32 inch high shall be used. The imprints shall be made
With fade-proof ink which shall be resistant to damage by oils, solvents,
atmospheric conditions, shipping, handling, and use.
3.5 Chemical composition. The surfacing filler metals shall conform
to the chemical composition shown in table II for rods and table III for
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