| ![]() MIL-R-17131C
6.1.2 Typ e MIL-RCoCr-A-3. Rod type MIL-RCoCr-A-3 is intended
for deposition by the tungsten- inert gas (TIC) process and contains
sufficient carbon to attain desirable hardness levels in the hardsurfaced
deposit. Deposition by the oxyacetylene process will increase the carbon
content and hardness of the deposit and may result in excessively hard
and brittle deposits. Therefore, this type of rod should not be used with
the oxyacetylene process.
6.1.3 Type MIL-RCoCr-C. This alloy is more resistant to abrasion
than type MIL-RUoCr-A and will attain a minimum hardness of 50 Rockwell C.
It is more brittle, of higher strength, and considerably less resistant
to thermal shock.
6.1.4 Type MIL-RNiCr-B. This alloy is similar to types MIL-RFeCrCo,
MIL-RNiCr-C, and MIL-RNiCr-D in respect to hardness and resistance to
certain types of abrasion.
6.1.5 Typ e MIL-RNiCr-C. This alloy is similar to type MIL-RCoCr-C
in respect to hardness and resistance to certain types of abrasion and
intended for use with tank sprockets.
6.1.6 Type MIL-RNiCr-D. This alloy iS similar to types MIL-RFeCrCo,
MIL-RNiCr-B, and MIL-RNiCr-C in respect to hardness and resistance to
certain types of abrasion.
6.1.7 Typ e MIL-RFeMoC. This alloy is intended for use with tank
treads, pins, and bearings.
6,1,8 Type MIL-RFeCrCo. This alloy is similar in hardness and
resistance to certain types of abrasion, to type NIL-RCoCr-A. For some
purposes it is an alternate and may be used interchangeably.
6.1.9 Ty pe MIL-PCoCr-E-l . This alloy may be expected to attain
It has intermediate properties
a minimum hardness of 43 Rockwell C.
between type MIL-RCoCr-A and MIL-RCoCr-C.
6.1.10 Ty pe MIL-PCoCr-E-2. This alloy is more resistant to abrasion
than MIL-PCoCr-E-l.
It is somewhat less resistant to thermal shock.
6.1.11 Hardsurfacing processes. For purposes of specifying a
process to make the usability test, rods are commonly deposited by
oxyacetylene gas welding or by inert gas tungsten arc welding while it
Is recommended that powders be deposited by the plasma transferred arc
6.2 Ordering data.
6.2.1 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should
specify the following:
Title, number and date of this specification. ..
Form , type, size, and quantity required (see l.2).
Specify rod nominal length and its length tolerance, if
required (see 3.3.1),
Additional marking and standard or National stock number.
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