| ![]() MIL-R-19365D
3.19 Marking. Resistors shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-1285. The type designation and
the manufacturer's name or code symbol, or both, shall be marked on the body of the resistor, parallel to
the longitudinal axis. There shall be no space between the symbols which comprise the type designation.
If lack of space requires it, the type designation may appear on two lines. In this event, the type
designation shall be divided between the style and the characteristic designations as shown in the
following example:
For resistors having a body of more than 2 inches nominal length, the resistance value in ohms
preceded by the abbreviation for "resistance" and the power rating value in watts followed by the
abbreviation for "nominal" shall also be marked as shown in the following example:
RES 1600
26 W NOM
(Manufacturer's name or code symbol, or both)
Marking shall remain legible at the end of all tests.
3.20 Soldering. Where soldering is employed, only noncorrosive fluxes shall be used unless it can be
shown that corrosive elements have been satisfactorily removed after soldering. Solder shall not be used
for obtaining mechanical strength. Electrical connections shall be mechanically secure before soldering
and electrically continuous after soldering. Except for solder used to coat terminals, the solder used shall
in no case start to melt at a temperature of less than 360C.
3.21 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or
environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible provided that the
materials meets or exceeds the operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically
advantageous life cycle costs.
3.22 Workmanship. Resistors shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality, and
shall be free from holes, fissures, chip, corrosion, and malformation; the terminals shall be unbrok en and
not crushed or nicked; and the resistors shall be free from other defects that will affect life, serviceability,
or appearance.
4.1 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.4).
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.6).
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