| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Materials, Parts and Processes:
Materials, parts and processes shall conform to applicable specifi-
cations as specified in ANA Bulletin No. 400, except as specified
herein. Materials and parts which are not covered by applicable
specifications shall be of the best commmercial quality, of the
lightest practicable weight, entirely suitable for the purpose,
and readily available. However, only nonflammable materials shall
be used in the construction of the equipment.
For definition of terms used in this specification, see 6.7.
Selection of Parts and Materials:
Parts and material as approved in the pre-production model shall
be identical in all models delivered under a given contract un-
less deviation within models delivered are specifically authorized
by the contracting officer.
ANA Bulletin No. 400 lists the specifications, standards, drawings,
and publications to be used in the design and construction of the
equipment. The use of some of the specifications and publication
is clarified or modified in this specification; others are to be
used as listed. Parts, materials, and processes covered by the
specifications and publications listed in ANA Bulletin No. 400
shall be considered as standard parts and shall be used whenever
they are suitable for the purpose. In determining whether or not
they are suitable for the purpose, the following points shall be
taken into consideration:
(a) The space and weight limitations placed upon the equipment.
(b) The interchangeability of the parts with those in a model or
in the drawings furnished on the contract for interchange-
ability purposes.
(c) The parts, materials, or processes selected must be of suffi-
cient quality to allow the equipment to meet the performance
and environmental requirements.
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