| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Continuously variable operating controls shall be provided with
markings which will permit the operator to set the control easily
and correctly to a predetermined point. Controls which require
the use of special test equipment and are not to be adjusted
without such test equipment} do not require marking indicating
the use or purpose of the part on the panel adjacent thereto.
Reference Designation for External Equipment Connectors:
All connectors mounted on a unit of equipment which accept or
mate with connectors from external interconnecting-type wiring
shall be assigned a "J" number. The contractor shall assign
these "J" numbers numerically and consecutively, starting with
J-1, for each unit of equipment. In addition, each "J" number
shall be preceded by the unit number assigned the unit in
accordance with Standard MIL-STD-16. (See Figure 6.) This "J"
number shall appear on each side of the panel in a visible loca-
tion. Connectors may be further identified, on that side of the
panel to which the mating connector attaches, by a name denoting
the function of the cable attached thereto.
Marking of External Connectors:
Connectors that form a part of the external interconnecting
wiring shall be identified by a "P" number corresponding to the
"J" number of the mating unit connectors. When two cable con-
nectors affixed to interconnecting cables are to be mated, the
connector containing the coupling ring or active retention
device (screw, clip, etc.) shall be assigned a "P" number and
the mating connector shall be assigned a "J" number. (See
Figure 6.)
External cables shall be assigned reference designations W-1,
W-2, etc.; the numerical portion of the referenced designation
shall be consecutive where practicable.
Reference Designations for Parts and Assemblies:
With the exception of external connectors and cables, reference
designations shall be employed to identify each part for its
particular circuit application in accordance with Standard
MIL-STD-16. On subminiaturized assemblies, such as printed or
etched boards or other forms of assembly where space is at a
premium, the reference designation need not be marked. In lieu
thereof, reference designation marking shall be shown by means
of pictorial diagram, line drawings, photographs) Or other
media to provide for circuit identification (by means of refe-
rence designations) in the appropriate handbooks for the equip-
ment. The parts of non-repairable subassemblies shall not be
marked with reference designations.
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