| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Transformers and Inductors (Audio and Power):
All audio and power transformers and inductors shall be in
accordance with Specification MIL-T-27, grades 4 and 5. Grade 6
will be acceptable only for hermetically sealed applications
where no repair or replacement is intended.
Transformers and inductors shall be limited to working voltages
such that windings are free from corona discharge under all
specified service conditions, including surge voltages.
Transformers and inductors shall be so designed that when in-
stalled, they shall reliably and safely handle the required
power, peak voltage, and the like, without degradation in their
own performance or that of the equipment in which they are
employed throughout the life of the equipment under various
service conditions.
Size and Weight:
The size and weight of transformers and inductors shall be held
to a minimum consistent with required performance and life.
Every effort shall be made to use materials of light weight and
to employ methods of design and construction which effects
minimum size and weight. High temperature rise is permitted
when size and weight savings can be effected, provided dependa-
bility, performance, efficiency, and required life are obtained.
The best available grades of core material shall be used to the
maximum extent justifiable for the particular application.
Tubes (Electron):
Each component of equipment which employs electron tubes shall
be furnished with a complete set of tubes properly installed
therein. This shall also apply for crystal diodes and transistors.
Heat dissipating shields conforming to Specification JAN-S-28
shall not be used.
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