| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Antenna System Correction:
All instrument readings of radiated interference levels shall
be converted to antenna terminal open-circuit ("antenna in-
duced") values, in accordance with correction factors furnished
by the instrument manufacturer for the particular antenna type,
frequency, and operating procedures used.
Substitute Measuring Instruments:
The use of substitute interference measuring instruments in
the frequency range from 1 to 10 kilomegacycles will be con-
sidered by the procuring activity. The contractor shall sub-
mit, with the test plan, justification explaining why approved
instrumentation cannot be used and shall proposed substitute
instrumentation and test procedures that are capable of measur-
ing the limits. Approval for the use of substitute equipment
might not be granted if a commercial test laboratory can perform
the required measurements with approved equipment within a
reasonable period of time.
Extension of Frequency Range:
If the contractor believes that some, or all, of the applicable
interference requirements should be extended beyond the required
frequency range, the interference control plan and the test plan
shall be used to give proposed limits, instrumentation, methods
of measurements, other pertinent information, and an explanation
of the need for the extended frequency range.
All tests and test reports specified herein shall be accomplished
by the contractor and shall be subject to approval and verifi-
cation by the procuring activity. When the procuring activity
waives verification, the tests and test reports shall be approved
and verified by a qualified representative of the contractor's
Quality Control Department. Evidence of quality control veri-
fication and approval, either Government or contractor, shall
be contained in the test report. The Government further
reserves the right to have a technical. representative of the
procuring activity present during the testing.
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