| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Identification of Product:
The equipment shall be marked for identification in accord-
ance with Standard MIL-N-18307.
Patent Information:
Patent numbers, patent license notices, or any reference to
either shall not appear on a nameplate. If the contractor
considers it necessary to apply such a patent notice initially
to the equipment because of some contractual obligation to a
licenser, or because of the contractor's interpretation of
the patent statutes, the notice may be applied only under the
following conditions for secret and confidential articles of
The notice shall be supplied as part of a tag, label, or
sticker which may be easily removed or torn off by the
Government inspector.
The appearance and location of the tag or sticker shall
be such as to render unlikely the overlooking of its
removal by the Government inspector at time of acceptance
The contractor shall institute a checkup as part of the
procedure of packing for shipment to assure that the
notice has been removed, and shall point out to the
Government inspector any articles from which the notice
has not been removed.
The tag, label, or sticker shall not bear the Government
type designation of the article of equipment to which it
The equipment, including all parts and accessories, shall be
constructed and finished in a thoroughly workmanlike manner.
Particular attention shall be paid to neatness and thorough-
ness of soldering, wiring, impregnation of coils, marking of
parts and assemblies, plating, painting, riveting, machine-
screw assemblage, welding and brazing, and freedom of parts
from burrs and sharp edges.
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