| ![]() MIL-R-23057(Wep)
Air Force - Aeronautical Standard Drawing
Metals - Definition of Dissimilar
Air Force - Navy Aeronautical Bulletins
Specifications and Standards; Use of
Storage Life - Aeronautical Articles
(When requesting specifications, standards, and other publications
refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and applicable
specifications, standards, and other publications may be obtained upon
application to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue,
Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania, Attention! Code CDS.)
3.1 Preproduction.- This specification makes provisions for preproduction
3.2 Materials.- Material shall be as specified herein. Material not
definitely-specified shall be of a good commercial quality entirely suitable
for the purpose. Material shall be-free from all defects-and imperfections
that might affect the serviceability of the finished product. Dissimilar
metals as defined by Drawing AND10398 shall not be placed in contact with
each other unless the adjoining surfaces are suitably coated to preclude any
corrosive action.
3.2.2 Nonmetallic Materials.- Any nonmetallic material that deteriorates
or is otherwise affected adversely by continued use with high pressure air for
the normal service period of one (1) year shall not be used.
3.2.3 Nonferrous Materials.- Nonferrous materials shall be used in the
construction of the regulator, except where ferrous materials are essential.
3.2.4 Protective Treatment.- When materials are used in the construction
of the regulator that are subject to deterioration when exposed to climatic
and environmental conditions likely to occur during service usage, they shall
be protected against such deterioration in a manner that will in no way prevent
compliance with the performance requirements of this specification. The use
of any protective coating that will crack, chip, or scale with age or extremes
of climatic and environmental conditions shall be avoided.
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