| ![]() MIL-R-24414D(SH) Hose outlets .
Hose outlets shall be angled so that the hose shall
The hose outlets shall
meet the drum at a tangent without kinking at the outlet.
be reversible.
Internal fittings shall be of one piece construction between the
Except in the hose connection, taper
swivel joint and hose outlet connection.
pipe threads shall not be permitted. Unless otherwise specified the hose outlet
shall be for a Right Hand," Top Wind Reel.
Reels shall be provided with a holding brake to
lock the reel in any position.
section e complete fluid handling section of the
reels (that is, from inlet flange to hose connection) shall be removable as a unit
without disassembly of the drum or reel sides.
3.3.2 Hose guid es. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), the reels shall
Hose guides shall fit directly upon the reel frame.
have hose guides installed.
While the hose is being removed from the reel at a sharp angle, approaching 90
degrees, and while bearing heavily on the roller, the guide rollers shall spin
freely without binding. The height of the horizontal rollers shall be adjustable
Bearings for rollers shall
by a series of holes drilled in the vertical support.
Rollers shall be corrosion-resistant steel
be the self-lubricated, sealed type.
(CRES) 304.
The weight of the reels shall be as follows:
Type 11 - 120 pounds maximum, without hose and hose guide
Type III - 100 pounds maximum, without hose and hose guide
Type IV - 145 pounds maximum, without hose and hose guide
Reels shall be of the manual hand crank rewind type.
3.3.4 Rewind.
may be cast or machined. The rewind bracket shall be of the universal type
allowing positioning of the rewind crank at any point of a 180 degree arc.
The rewind bracket shall add no more than 15 ponds to the reel weights of
paragraph 3.3.3.
Flo w rate .
Types II, IV and V reels shall pass 125
es II. IV and V reels.
gallons per minute (gal/min) of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) at a pressure of
Restrictions and turbulence through the reel
175 psi measured at the hose inlet.
shall be kept to a minimum. The internal fluid path shall be of the 2-inch size
(including rotating swivel joint) and shall utilize long sweep elbows.
3.4.2 Type III reels. Type 111 reels shall pass 25 gal/rein of fresh water
at a pressure of 150 psi. The internal fluid path shall be at least 3/4-inch size
(including rotating swivel joint) and shall utilize long sweep elbows.
3.5 Spray tightness Types II and IV reels shall be spraytight in accor-
dance with MIL-STD-108.
Care shall be taken that all bearings or other corrodible
parts are protected from the weather.
Provisions shall be made for field
lubrication of working parts, such as bearings or other mating surfaces and all
such parts shall be lubricated prior to delivery.
The reels and the lubricants
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