| ![]() MIL-R-24414D(SH)
5.2.1 Level A. Reels or hose guides preserved as specified in 5.1 shall be
individually packed in overseas type containers conforming to PPP-B-585 class 3,
PPP-B-601 overseas type, or PPP-B-621 class 2, with container selection at the
Containers exceeding a gross weight of 200 pounds
option of the contractor.
(90.72 kilograms (kg)) shall be modified by the addition of 3 by 4 inch
(7.62 by 10.16 centimeter (cm)) wood skids placed flat. The reels shall be
shrouded within the containers with barrier material conforming to PPP-B-1055.
Container closure and strapping shall be in accordance with the applicable
specification or appendix thereto.
5.2.2 level B. Reels or hose guides preserved as specified in 5.1 shall
be individually packed in containers conforming to PPP-B-585 class 2, PPP-B-591
class II, PPP-B-601 domestic type or PPP-B-621 class 1, with selection at the
option of the contractor. The requirements for wood skids, shrouding, container
closure and strapping shall be as specified in 5.2.1.
5.2.3 Level C. Reels or hose guides preserved as specified in 5.1 shall be
packed in containers as specified in 5.2.2 except that containers shall be of the
domestic type or class and shrouding is not required.
5.2.4 Lumber tin d plywood .
Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), all lumber
and plywood including laminated veneer material used in shipping container
construction members, blocking, bracing, and reinforcing shall be fire-retardant
treated material conforming to MIL-L-19140 as follows:
Type II - weather reistant.
Levels A and B -
Category I - generall use.
Type I- non-weather resistant.
Level C
Category I - general use.
Reels or hose guides preserved as specified in 5.1 shall
5.2.5 Commercial
be packed in accordance with ASTM D 3951.
5.3 Marking.
In addition to any special marking required (see 6.2),
level A, B and C containers shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129, and
commercial containers shall be marked in accordance with ASTM D 3951.
(This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that
may be helpful, but is not mandatory.)
6.1 Intended use This specification covers manually operated fire fighting
hose reels and hose guides for shipboard use. Type II hose reels are intended for
use in machinery spaces, aircraft handling and machinery space re-entry areas,
type III reels in electronic spaces, and type IV reels in submarines.
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